1. Postdoctoral Scholar - Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Job Number: 7150977 (Ref #: pt100112)
Posting Date: May 28, 2023
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
The Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Pittsburgh is based at one of the largest academic medical centers in the country, and has a long-standing commitment to research training.
Currently we are seeking MD, MD/PhD, or PhD scientists with interests in the pathophysiology of metabolic diseases, including, but not limited to diabetes, obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, cardiovascular disease, immunometabolism, and cancer metabolism, for National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded postdoctoral T32 training fellowships. Physician-scientists and candidates with cross/multidisciplinary research programs are particularly desirable, and the successful candidates will conduct cutting-edge NIH-funded basic, translational, clinical, epidemiological, or health outcomes research. Applicants must be permanent residents or U.S. citizens at the time the fellowship begins. The standard postdoctoral fellowship duration is two years.
Strengths of the program include:
• outstanding research opportunities that range from the molecular to the public health arenas;
• an exceptional NIH-funded training faculty;
• access to a range of didactic courses, workshops, and educational experiences that complement research opportunities;
• structured career development courses that impart skills ranging from managing group projects to presentation skills through the T32-to-K-to-R grant transition; and
• a continuous assessment program for trainees reinforced by an individual career development plan, a mentoring team, and progress evaluations that focus on the individualized professional development of trainees.
Interested candidates should send:
• a cover letter,
• a current curriculum vitae,
• a statement of research interests (one to two pages maximum),
• a copy of medical school or graduate school transcript, and
• three letters of reference.
Please e-mail a single assembled application in PDF format to Sharon Ferderbar, T32 Administrator, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, at saw9@pitt.edu.
For more info about this position, visit:https://endot32.dom.pitt.edu
2. Postdoctoral Associate - Medicine
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Job Number: 7150978 (Ref #: pt100113)
Posting Date: May 28, 2023
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
Postdoctoral Associate position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Yu-Chiao Chiu at the Department of Medicine and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The candidates will engage in bioinformatics research to systematically understand the biology of adult and pediatric cancers, to identify diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, and to improve cancer therapy. Potential research topics include deep learning applications to spatial single cell profiles and multi-modal genomics and pharmacogenomics data. At the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, the candidates will have the opportunity to build cross-disciplinary collaborations with clinical, translational, and basic scientists in order to bridge cutting-edge computational algorithms to unmet needs in precision oncology.
The Chiu Lab focuses on the development of state-of-the-art machine and deep learning models that integrate multi-modal genomic and pharmacogenomic data to study cancer biology and improve cancer therapy. Our latest publications are well-recognized by broad cancer and bioinformatics communities: Science Advances (selected by @NCIgenomics as the #1 paper of 2021), BMC Medical Genomics (selected as Springer Nature Highlight in Genetics of 2019), and Briefings in Bioinformatics. Our lab has been very actively funded by federal and other sources, including the NIH (NCI R00), Hillman Developmental Pilot Program (NCI P30), Pittsburgh Liver Research Center (NIDDK P30), and The Fund for Innovation in Cancer Informatics. Please visit our lab website https://www.chiu-lab.org/ for more information.
Qualifications or Expectations:Experience in deep learning, machine learning, single-cell and spatial omics, and/or image processing is strongly desired.
Highly motivated scientists who have recently earned a Ph.D. degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, electrical/biomedical engineering, computer science, or a related field.
Must be proficient with Linux and multiple bioinformatics programming languages, such as Python, R, MATLAB, and Perl.
Must possess excellent written and verbal English communication skills.
Strong experience in computational modeling of biological systems, large-scale cancer multi-omic datasets (TCGA, TARGET, CCLE, etc.), high-throughput drug and genetic screens (DepMap, PRISM, GDSC, etc.), and common bioinformatics resources (NCBI, UCSC, Ensembl, etc.) is essential.
Opportunities Available:Candidates will receive dedicated mentorship on career development planning, career development awards, and postdoctoral fellowships such as the Hillman Postdoctoral Fellowships for Innovative Cancer Research (https://hillmanresearch.upmc.edu/research/hillman-fellows/postdoctoral/).
Our lab members have cross-disciplinary experience spanning across engineering, informatics, biology, and medicine.

The PI has successful experience in acquiring the prestigious NIH/NCI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award and postdoctoral fellowships, as well as mentoring F99/K00 predoc to postdoc transition award application.
For more info about this position, visit:https://cfopitt.taleo.net/careersection/pitt_faculty_external_pd/jobdetail.ftl?job=22005468
Application Instructions:Visit join.pitt.edu and View Requisition Number #22005468 to apply. Please submit curriculum vitae, one-page research statement, and contact information of three references. Review of applications will start immediately and continue on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
3. Postdoctoral Associate - Environmental & Occupational Health
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Job Number: 7150979 (Ref #: pt10098)
Posting Date: May 28, 2023
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
POSDOCTORAL POSITION is available to study mechanisms of genomic instability associated with aging and cancer. Projects include investigation of telomeric DNA replication and repair, consequences of telomeric DNA damage on telomere structure/function, and mechanisms of oxidative stress-mediated telomere dysfunction and cellular aging. All projects are funded by NIH sponsored grants. The lab is part of a vibrant and collaborative genome stability program. Candidates should have a PhD with a strong background in molecular/cell biology. Experience with basic molecular biology techniques, protein purification, cell culture, and fluorescence microscopy are desirable. Salaries are based on NIH guidelines and experience.
Application Instructions:Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr. Patricia L. Opresko, Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Health, Hillman Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Research Pavilion, 5117 Centre Avenue, Suite 2.6c PA, Pennsylvania 15213 or by email: plo4@pitt.edu.
join.pitt.edu requisition #23000406
The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
4. Postdoctoral Associate - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
University of Pittsburgh
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Job Number: 7150980 (Ref #: pt100116)
Posting Date: May 28, 2023
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
The Laboratory of Dr. Shou-Jiang (SJ) Gao in the Cancer Virology Program (CVP) at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center is recruiting newly graduated, innovative, highly independent and motivated candidates with molecular and cellular biology background to fill in numerous Postdoctoral Positions. The Gao’s lab primarily studies oncogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and its associated cancers. The lab has developed numerous infection models and used them to study the mechanisms of KSHV infection, replication, establishment of latency and induction of cancer. These works lead to the delineations of KSHV reprogramming of epigenome and epitranscriptome, rewiring of cellular metabolic pathways, evasion of innate immunity, and identification of novel therapeutic targets and agents. The lab has enjoyed a long history of collaboration with computational biologists, particularly Dr Yufei Huang, who is also in CVP, allowing the development of novel systems approaches for dissecting complex biological questions, including the recent development of novel analytic tools for spatially-resolved single cell transcriptomics. Recent works have also identified novel tumor suppressive functions of an arginine sensor CASTOR1, which regulates both tumor and immune cells. Ongoing works are examining the functions of CASTOR1 in other types of cancer including lung cancer and HPV-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and innate and adaptive immunity in models of colitis and colon cancer.
The Hillman Cancer Center has a dynamic interactive environment and world-class investigators in cancer biology, virology, immunology and genomics. The Gao lab is also affiliated with the Department of Microbiology and Molecular genetics (MMG), which comprises 42 primary and 8 secondary faculty members with a focus on basic research in molecular biology, microbiology, virology, biochemistry, and developmental biology. In addition to driving independent research programs, investigators in the Hillman Cancer Center and MMG collaborate with scientists across all schools of the University of Pittsburgh and around the world on a wide range of fundamental and applied problems. The University has a broad range of basic and clinical research in microbiology, infectious diseases, and vaccinology. Other prominent entities among the Pitt microbiology community include the Center for Vaccine Research, Adult Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases & Microbiology in the School of Public Health, and the Center for Medicine and the Microbiome. The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is enjoying unparalleled growth in its research, clinical, and academic missions. The University ranks 3rd among educational institutions in NIH funding according to preliminary NIH RePORTER data. The Postdoctoral Fellows will receive world-class training and have the opportunity collaborating with diverse investigators.
Applicants should have an excellent track-record with peer-reviewed publications, and possess a PhD, MD or equivalent degree. Candidates with relevant experiences are preferred. Please send CV and names of three references to Dr. Shou-Jiang Gao via e-mail at gaos8@UPMC.edu.
Qualifications or Expectations:Excellent track-record with peer-reviewed publications
Highly independent and motivated
Molecular and cellular biology background
Newly graduated
Possess a PhD, MD or equivalent degree
Opportunities Available:Attend Cancer Virology Program "Work In Progress" sessions
Collaborate with scientists across all schools of the University of Pittsburgh and around the world
Collaboration with computational biologists, particularly Dr. Yufei Huang
Examining the functions of CASTOR1 in other types of cancer
Receive world-class training and have the opportunity collaborating with diverse investigators
Study oncogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and its associated cancers
Study the mechanisms of KSHV infection, replication, establishment of latency and induction of cancer
Duties or Responsibilities:Apply for fellowship, scholarship and other grants
Assist the Principal Investigator (PI) in managing the lab
Carry out independent projects to study the mechanisms of oncogenesis of viral and nonviral cancers
Present at scientific conferences
Publish scientific articles
Train graduate students
For more info about this position, visit:https://hillmanresearch.upmc.edu/research/programs/cancer-virology/
Application Instructions:Visit join.pitt.edu and View Requisition Number (23002742) to apply
5. Postdoctoral Scholar - Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Job Number: 7150982 (Ref #: pt100123)
Posting Date: May 28, 2023
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
The Developmental Alcohol Research Training (DART) Program (T32 AA007453) announces the availability of postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Pittsburgh. The DART Program approaches training in alcohol use and addiction research from a developmental perspective, focusing on gestation to adulthood. The DART training faculty are highly experienced and offer mentorship in areas of high priority to NIAAA such as the developmental stages of alcohol use and abuse, neurobiology, timing and consequences of alcohol use, racial and gender differences, and the effects of health inequities on the development of alcohol use and misuse. The training faculty have expertise in developmental, epidemiological, clinical, and neurobiological approaches, acute alcohol responses (lab and EMA), health inequities, and advanced quantitative methods.
Trainees have access to large, longitudinal cohorts that allow analyses across multiple developmental points and faculty with varied areas of expertise who routinely collaborate to create novel mentoring opportunities. Training involves active participation on research projects with one or more mentors, supplemented by courses in Addictive Behaviors, Developmental Psychopathology, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics. The Seminar on Addictions Research (SOAR) provides exposure to a wide range of experts in addictions research across departments at the University of Pittsburgh. In addition, the Career and Research Development Seminar (CARD) in the Department of Psychiatry provides grantsmanship training (including small group grant-writing feedback), professional competence training, and skills for academic career development.
The DART program faculty are committed to the mission of providing training in an environment that fosters diversity among its faculty and trainees, an inclusive environment that respects individual differences and perspectives, and research that seeks to understand and address health inequities experienced by under-represented and/or marginalized individuals. In this context, the DART T32 trains researchers to become independent investigators with the skills and tools for collaborative, multidisciplinary research in developmental studies of alcohol use and abuse in order to accomplish excellence and innovation in developmental alcoholism research.
Qualifications or Expectations:Candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D., excellent writing and analytical skills, and a demonstrated interest in alcohol-related research. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident in accordance with NIH regulations; current NIH levels of stipend support can be found at https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-21-049.html
Opportunities Available:Send curriculum vita, statement of research background and future interests (including potential mentors), and three reference letters to:
Dr. Gale A. Richardson and Dr. Brooke Molina (Directors: DART Program)
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
3811 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
E-mails: gar@pitt.edu; molinab@upmc.edu
Please cc Carol Walker Hundiak: walkercb@upmc.edu
For more info about this position, visit:http://www.alcoholtraining.pitt.edu
Application Instructions:Visit join.pitt.edu and View Requisition Number (fill in number) to apply.
Feedback will be Appreciated