1. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: School of Languages, Linguistics & Film
Salary: £40,386 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31538
Location: Mile End
Date posted: 18 January 2023
Closing date: 15 February 2023
About the Role
The Language Centre within the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film (SLLF) is looking to appoint a fixed-term Postdoctoral Assistant on the project ‘Autism in affinity spaces. The post is available due to research grant funding from 01 July 2023 to 30 June 2027.
About You
You will have:
• PhD in Applied Linguistics or related area
• Demonstrable interest in computer-mediated discourse analysis
• Proven research trajectory to handle data collection and management
• Excellent skills in qualitative analysis and mixed methods
• Experience in substantive research related to the key themes of the project
Your duties will include conducting an online survey and interviews with autistic young people, collecting and analysing social media data, liaising with collaborating autism support organisations, writing up results for publication, and contributing to impact activities.
Your application should include the following attachments:
• A motivation letter (max. 2 pages) explaining why you are interested in the position and your qualifications for it.
• Your CV including a full publication list.
• A writing sample: one publication, published or in press.
About the School/Project
The Wellcome Trust funded project ‘Autism in affinity spaces’ will engage in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of computer-mediated discourse analysis and visual participatory methods. The project will examine how autistic young people use social media spaces to interact on topics of their focused interests and generate evidence about strengths and challenges for autistic youth as they navigate norms and expectations in social media interactions. You will be working with Professor Nelya Koteyko (PI) and collaborators from other UK universities and charities.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable.
Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum, a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities.
The post is full-time, fixed-term appointment for four years, with an expected start on 1st July 2023 to 30 June 2027 and available due to research funding. The starting salary will be £40,386 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal queries should be directed to Professor Nelya Koteyko, n.koteyko@qmul.ac.uk.
The closing date for applications is 15 February 2023, with interviews taking place shortly afterwards.
2. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: School of Engineering & Materials Science
Salary: £36,348 - £42,592 (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31046
Location: Mile End
Date posted: 26 January 2023
Closing date: 15 February 2023
About the Role
The candidate will be working in the area of mechanics of materials with focus on (1) the interaction events between materials and biological system (such as cells & tissues – substrate interactions) and (2) mechanics of bio-inspired composites. The researcher is expected to develop the validated numerical modelling on the relevant complex physical phenomena. The researcher will work closely with team members with different research expertise. The candidate is expected to disseminate research outcomes in relevant conferences and renowned international journals and involve in supervision of PhD students and development of new research ideas.
About You
You should have a PhD in engineering, physics or material science. You should be able to demonstrate the ability to publish in high quality scientific journals. A strong knowledge of using the ABAQUS simulation software package and experience in undertaking experimental work in the field is required. You need to have good communication skills in both presentation and scientific writing. You need to have the ability to conduct research work both independently and as a member of a team.
About the School
This post is within the School of Engineering and Materials Science, a large School with 70-80 academics and a similar number of postdoctoral research staff. There are around 1000 undergraduate and taught postgraduate students and 220 PhD students. These are supported by an administrative and technical staff team of 45. The staff and student body are international in make-up.
About Queen Mary
Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and other campus facilities.
The post is based at the Mile End Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 18 months, with an expected start date of 15 March 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £36,348 - £42,592 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to (Dr Tao Liu) at tao.liu@qmul.ac.uk
The closing date for applications is 15th February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
3. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: School of Engineering & Materials Science
Salary: £33,619 - £40,386 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31692
Location: Mile End
Date posted: 26 January 2023
Closing date: 15 February 2023
About the Role
Applications are invited for a full time Postdoctoral Research Assistant to work on a European Research Council funded project in the group of Dr Joe Briscoe.
The project aims to develop new routes to high efficiency solar energy conversion – both for photovoltaics (PV) and photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) – by producing nanocomposite thin films of ferroelectric and photoactive materials. Ferroelectric nanostructures will be developed that demonstrate a bulk photovoltaic effect, which will then be coupled to high efficiency light absorbers. These nanocomposites will be studied in detail using both experimental and computational techniques in order to understand and thus optimise their interactions and ultimately the device efficiency.
There are two main aspects of this role. The first is to support the development of experiments to measure the properties of PEC devices based on the nanocomposite materials. This will include setting up of optical and electrochemical measurements. The second aspect is to assist in the development of theoretical models to describe the behaviour of the nanocomposite devices, supported and validated by data obtained from experiments. The role therefore will require a dedicated individual who is willing to carry out both experimental and theoretical work. You will work closely with other members of the project team, including two other postdocs and three PhD students, and wider group members. You will be expected to take on a leadership role within the group, helping to supervise PhD and MSc students, as well as contributing to the day-to-day management of Dr Briscoe’s research laboratory.
About You
Applicants should have or be about to complete a PhD in Chemistry, Material Science, Physics, or equivalent. Experience of photoelectrochemical measurements is essential. Applications should also have experience of materials synthesis (ideally via solution processing) and characterisation techniques. Knowledge and experience of ferroelectric materials is also desirable, as is experience of setting up and carrying out opto-electronic measurements.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is based at the Mile End Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 1 year, with an expected start date of April 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £33,619 - £40,386 per annum depending on experience, inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Joe Briscoe at j.briscoe@qmul.ac.uk.
The closing date for applications is 15 February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
Valuing Diversity and Committed to Equality
4. Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA)
Department: Barts Cancer Institute
Salary: £36,348 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31777
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 2 February 2023
Closing date: 16 February 2023
About the Role
Applications are sought for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) to undertake research in collaboration with and under the supervision of Dr Faraz Mardakheh (Barts Cancer Institute), and Dr Paola Scaffidi (Francis Crick Institute) for a BBSRC funded research project to study the role of RNA in chromatin regulation. The post will be based in the Centre for Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), with access to Francis Crick Institute also provided to the PDRA for some of the experimental works.
About You
Essential requirements for this post include having a PhD in a relevant biological subject (or having submitted a thesis for PhD and expecting to have the viva soon), and an undergraduate degree in a medical/biological subject. Significant research laboratory experience in RNA biology, microscopy, as well as cell & molecular biology is essential. Additional experience in RNA-protein interaction analysis would be an advantage. A demonstrable ability of good scientific communication, working within a scientific team, and maintaining good laboratory records is also essential.
About the Institute
The project is based on our laboratory’s discovery that RNA can directly bind to and control the activity of specific histone proteins in response to MAPK signalling. Our goal now is to reveal the identity of RNA molecules which bind to histones, and understand the mechanisms by which they regulate chromatin function in response to MAPK signaling. Using cutting-edge methodologies such as iCLIP, RNA imaging, and next-generation sequencing approaches to study chromatin, our team now seeks to comprehensively decipher the mechanism and functional consequences of RNA-histone interactions in regulation of chromatin biology. The candidate will join a vibrant multidisciplinary, multi-institutional environment with a strong critical mass in RNA and chromatin cancer cell biology, and will be supported to develop their scientific career and have an impact in the RNA, chromatin, and cancer field.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable. We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities.
The post is based at the Charterhouse Campus in London. It is full time, fixed term appointment for 3 years, with the option to further extend the contract based on performance. The expected start date of the post is 1st of April 2023. The starting salary for an entry level candidate will be Grade 4, Spine point 27 (£36,348) per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Faraz Mardakheh at f.mardakheh@qmul.ac.uk or on +44 (0) 020 7882 8145.
For information about the Mardakheh research group please visit:
The closing date for applications is16 February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held on shortly thereafter.
5. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Health Psychology (CanDetect)
Department: Wolfson Institute of Population Health
Salary: £40,386 - £44,931 (Grade 5)
Reference: QMUL31547
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 20 January 2023
Closing date: 17 February 2023
About the Role
Join our expanding behavioural science team to work on a new Cancer Research UK funded programme of work which aims to improve the detection of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) cancer in primary care through the development of a multi-cancer early detection platform. The post-holder will perform multi-methods research. This will include systematic reviews to identify and synthesise evidence on risk prediction of UGI cancer in primary care, which will inform the development of an UGI Multi-Cancer Early Detection Platform. The postholder will work alongside experienced health psychologists and clinicians using quantitative and qualitative methods to develop, evaluate and refine the platform for use in primary care. The 5-year fixed term post is located in the Centre for Prevention, Detection and Diagnosis (CPDD) within the Wolfson Institute of Population Health (WIPH).
About You
Applicants should have an excellent academic record, proven academic writing ability, and strong communication skills. Experience of both high-quality quantitative and qualitative research methods is essential, alongside experience of conducting systematic reviews. We are looking for an organised and motivated researcher. You will have a PhD in Health Psychology, healthcare research or a similar discipline.
About the Institute/Department
The WIPH harnesses expertise across a wide range of population-based research and education activities and is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in population health and preventive medicine. The WIPH comprises five separate research centres, one of which, the CPDD, is at the national and international forefront of research into the prevention, detection and control of cancer. We have particularly active research programmes investigating prevention, screening, awareness and early diagnosis of a range of cancers including breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancer, and utilising a range of research methods.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable. Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. We continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not simply because it’s ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
The post is based at the Charterhouse Square Campus in London. It is a full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment to 31st August 2027, following which there are likely to be opportunities for further funding. Starting salary will be in the range of Grade 5, £40,386 - £44,931 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance. Benefits include 30 days annual leave and staff pension scheme.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Applications are particularly welcomed and encouraged from the BAME community. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly, including requests for part-time working (salary/leave will be pro rata for part-time appointments).
Please address informal enquiries to Professor Fiona Walter at fiona.walter@qmul.ac.uk or Professor Suzanne Scott at suzanne.scott@qmul.ac.uk
The closing date for applications is 17 January 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
6. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: Barts Cancer Institute
Salary: £33,619 - 42,592 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31619
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 3 February 2023
Closing date: 17 February 2023
About the Role
Applications are sought for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to undertake research investigations in collaboration with and under the supervision of the Principal Investigator (PI) in order to realise the objectives and development of the research programme. The research will be based in the Centre for Haemato-Oncology, Barts Cancer Institute, within the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London.
About You
Essential requirements for this post include a PhD in a relevant biological subject and an undergraduate degree in a biological subject. Significant research laboratory experience in Molecular and cellular Biology is essential. Experience in the field of bulk and single cell sequencing methods and appropriate publication records would be an advantage. A demonstrated ability to communicate well, work within a team and maintain good laboratory records are also essential.
About the School/Department/Institute/Project
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our leukaemia biology team at Barts Cancer Institute. The successful candidate will explore novel molecular techniques to monitor ALL resistance and relapse using both bulk and single cell sequencing technologies, applying these tools to both experimental models of ALL resistance/relapse as well as human samples. The successful candidate will work within an integrated programme of ALL research at Barts Cancer Institute and alongside NHS teams in the Molecular Diagnostic Services at St Barts Hospital. The position will be a unique opportunity for those considering a future career in academic research or an onward career in cancer genomics within the NHS. Potential candidates must have practical experience in molecular biology. Practical knowledge in flow cytometry and bioinformatics data mining is a plus.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable.
Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities.
The post is based at the Barts Cancer Institute Campus in London. It is full time 35 hours per week, fixed term appointment for 36 months, with an expected start date of March 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £33,619 - £42,592 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Bela Wrench at b.wrench @qmul.ac.uk
The closing date for applications is 17 February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held during the last week of February or shortly thereafter.
7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Structural Molecular Biology
Department: School of Biological & Behavioural Sciences
Salary: £35,411 - £36,348 (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31224
Location: Mile End
Date posted: 16 December 2022
Closing date: 19 February 2023
About the role
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Associates with expertise in structural biology to join the research group of Aravindan Ilangovan at Queen Mary University of London. These Wellcome Trust Funded posts will be based at the Centre for Structural Biology within the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences (SBBS) at Queen Mary.
The project is focused on the molecular mechanism of DNA replication initiation in bacteria. Together with the laboratory of Prof. Heath Murray at Newcastle University, this work is aimed at unravelling the sequence of events that lead to helicase loading during initiation and restart. This structural biology project will take advantage of the expertise in the lab working with nucleoprotein complexes aided by dedicated cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography facilities. The group has routine access to the Titan Krios microscopes at LonCEM and eBIC and an in-house computing infrastructure for data processing.
About You
We are seeking two ambitious individuals to develop, drive and deliver their research project, while working with other members of the Ilangovan group and our collaborators on a regular basis. Candidates must have a meticulous approach to data collection, analysis and preparing manuscript for publication. A demonstrated ability to communicate well, work within a team, and deliver projects within an agreed timeframe is also essential. Evidence of high-impact publication in structural biology or a related field is desirable.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme, staff networks and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work-life balance and family-friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is full-time (35 hours) and fixed term for 3 years, with the possibility of an extension thereafter. The expected start date is 1st March 2023 or soon as possible thereafter. The salary is in the range of £35,411 - £36,348 per annum pro-rata and is inclusive of London Allowance.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Aravindan Ilangovan via: a.ilangovan@qmul.ac.uk. Details about SBBS can be found at https://www.qmul.ac.uk/sbbs/
The closing date for applications is 19th February 2023. Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
To apply for the role please click the link below. With their CV, candidates should include a one-page statement explaining how they might be able to contribute with their experience to the project as outlined above.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointment processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: William Harvey Research Institute
Salary: £36,348 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31782
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 6 February 2023
Closing date: 20 February 2023
About the Role
Applicants are invited to apply for a 12-month (with a possibility of a further 24 months extension) full-time BHF-funded post-doctoral position to join Dr Manikandan Subramanian’s team investigating the macrophage mediated clearance of dead cells and extracellular DNA in the context of inflammation resolution and atherosclerosis progression.
The position is at the Centre for Biochemical Pharmacolgy which brings together a group of leading clinical and non-clinical scientists researching the cellular and molecular basis of inflammation, rheumatic, and cardiovascular diseases. The Centre is based within the picturesque Charterhouse Square Campus in the heart of the City of London and within the world-renowned William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and The London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
The appointed person will undertake research investigations under the supervision of Dr Subramanian and provide research as well as administrative support in order to realise the objectives and development of the research programme. The particular emphasis of the project will be to examine the interaction between atherosclerotic plaque macrophages and neutrophil extracellular traps and how it impacts cellular function and disease progression.
About You
Applicants should hold a PhD degree or equivalent in biological or related science and have a strong background in immune cell biology and animal models of inflammatory and/or atherosclerotic heart diseases. Successful candidate should have the ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team. Applicants should have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to demonstrate effective and efficient multi-tasking and maintain accurate and up-to-date records. In addition, the applicants should have a high level of proficiency with computer software related to laboratory research, data presentation and statistical evaluation, as well as the ability to organise a varied workload between research, supervision and administration. The ability to communicate well, understand the research process and work within a team is also essential. The experimental work also involves the use of flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, therefore specific expertise in flow cytometry and microscopy analysis -e.g. FlowJo and image J and software for their quantitative analysis- would be desirable.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities.
The post is mainly based at the Charterhouse Square Campus in London. It is a full-time (35 hours per week) and fixed term appointment for 12 months (with possibility of renewal for a further 24 months), with an expected start date in March 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, £36,348 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointment processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Manikandan Subramanian at m.subramanian@qmul.ac.uk.
The closing date for applications is 20 February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
8. Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department: William Harvey Research Institute
Salary: £36,348 - £40,386 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31796
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 7 February 2023
Closing date: 21 February 2023
About the Role
Applicants are invited to apply for a 3-year full-time Barts Charity funded Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position based at the William Harvey Research Institute in Charterhouse Square to investigate the role of soluble epoxide hydrolase in the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. The project will be hosted by the Charles lab: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/whri/people/academic-staff/items/charlesrebecca.html. The successful candidate will investigate how soluble epoxide hydrolase activity can be modulated to control the function of the healthy pulmonary or cardiovascular systems and whether such events are altered during disease.
About You
We are looking for outstanding, self-motivated and independent candidates committed to a scientific career with interest in pulmonary hypertension, cardiovascular and/or vascular biology. Technical expertise in in vivo (induction and monitoring of pulmonary hypertension, echocardiography, blood pressure telemetry, isolated heart perfusion, arterial myography), molecular (redox biochemistry, cell culture, proteomics) methodologies would be advantageous. The ability to work in a team is essential. The successful candidate requires a PhD degree in a biological, medical, or chemical sciences discipline, with a good track record in publishing their work in leading journals using some of the methods and skills listed above.
About the Institute
The position is within the Clinical Pharmacology & Precision Medicine, William Harvey Research Institute, based on the Charterhouse Square Campus. The WHRI has three core strategic themes; Cardiovascular, Inflammation and Endocrinology with a mix of basic scientists and clinicians benefiting from strong links with Barts Health NHS Trust. The Charterhouse Square Campus is in the heart of the City of London in close proximity to the Barbican Art and Music Centre and St Paul’s Cathedral.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable. Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers. We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities.
The post is based at the Charterhouse Square Campus in London. This is a full-time, fixed term appointment for three years with a flexible start date before March 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4 up to £36,348 - £40,386 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Rebecca Charles (r.charles@qmul.ac.uk).
The closing date for applications is 21.02.2023
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter the closing date.
9. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: Barts Cancer Institute
Salary: £33,619 - £42,592 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31895
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 8 February 2023
Closing date: 22 February 2023
About the Role
Applications are sought for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to undertake research investigations in collaboration with and under the supervision of the Principal Investigator (PI) in order to realise the objectives and development of the research programme. The research will be based in the Centre for Tumour Microenvironment, Barts Cancer Institute, within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London.
About You
Essential requirements for this post include a PhD in a relevant biological subject and an undergraduate degree in a biological subject. Significant research laboratory experience in Cancer Cell biology is essential. Experience in the field of OMICs and appropriate publication records would be an advantage. A demonstrated ability to communicate well, work within a team and maintain good laboratory records are also essential.
About the Project
The Sanz-Moreno lab works on understanding how cytoskeletal remodelling in aggressive cancer cells influences tumour progression, dissemination, metastasis and therapy responses. Moreover, we want to block the communication of aggressive cancer cells with their tumour microenvironment.We hope to find therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer cells that are associated with their ability to remodel their cytoskeleton.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable.
Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is based at the Charterhouse Square Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 12 months, with an expected start date of 1st September 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £33,619 - £43,592 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof Victoria Sanz Moreno at v.sanz-moreno@qmul.ac.uk or on +44 (0) 020 7882 3919.
The closing date for applications is 23 February 2023.
Interviews are expected to be held in the first two weeks of March or shortly thereafter.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
10. PostDoctoral Research Assistant
Department: Barts Cancer Institute
Salary: £33,619 - £42,592 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31608
Location: Charterhouse Square
Date posted: 13 January 2023
Closing date: 24 February 2023
About You
Essential requirements include a PhD in a relevant biological subject, appropriate publication records and a strong drive for research work. Significant research laboratory experience in cell culture and molecular biology techniques are essential. Experience in the field of cancer biology, in vivo work and analysis of big omic datasets would be highly desirable. A demonstrated ability to communicate well, work within a team and maintain good laboratory records are essential. Willingness to work flexibly to achieve project demands will be needed.
About the School/Department/Institute/Project
Our CRUK/Barts Charity funded team (https://www.bartscancer.london/staff/dr-paolo-gallipoli/) uses a multidisciplinary approach and complementary models to study how rewired metabolism contributes to leukaemic transformation and AML cells ability to withstand therapeutic pressure with the aim to identify novel therapeutic targets in AML (Woodley et al., BioRxiv, 2022, Dembitz et al., Blood, 2022&Gallipoli et al., Blood, 2018). The candidate will gain experience in characterisation of leukaemia models in vitro and in vivo, metabolic profiling and big-omics data analysis. Active research themes in the lab are studying the role of mannose and fatty acid metabolism in AML, the metabolic interplay between AML and microenvironment and the role of dietary intervention to enhance metabolic inhibitors efficacy. We enjoy close links with Barts Hospital and have a strong translational focus with excellent prospects for developing new therapies and making a significant contribution to our field. The candidate will enjoy a vibrant multidisciplinary environment at BCI, take advantage of our ongoing collaborations with the partner institutions within the CRUK City of London (Crick, Kings and UCL) and be provided with significant opportunities for excellent career development.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is based at the Charterhouse Square Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 36 months. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £33,619 - £42,592 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Paolo Gallipoli at p.gallipoli@qmul.ac.uk or on +44 (0) 020 7882 8198.
The closing date for applications is 24 February 2023
Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter.
11. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Department: Blizard Institute
Salary: £36,348 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31729
Location: Whitechapel
Date posted: 8 February 2023
Closing date: 8 March 2023
About the Role
A Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) position is available at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in Prof. John Connelly’s group to work on “Biophysical regulation of nucleolar structure and function in senescent cells”, a multi-disciplinary project in collaboration with Prof. Cleo Bishop (QMUL) and funded by the BBSRC. The PDRA role will focus primarily on investigating the mechanisms by which the biophysical properties of the nucleolus change during cellular senescence and the functional impact on metabolism and tissue ageing. Experimental studies will employ state-of-the-art imaging and biophysical methods, alongside multi-omic and computational analyses, and the findings will provide fundamental insights into the processes of human cell and tissue ageing.
About You
The successful candidate should have a PhD in Biophysics, Cell Biology, Bioengineering, Mechanobiology or a related field of science or engineering. They should have sound experience in experimental cell biology and imaging, as well as strong computational skills. Knowledge of cellular senescence, ageing, or skin biology is highly advantageous. The PDRA will also prepare manuscripts using high-quality data, make oral presentations and help supervise postgraduate students.
About the Institute
The Blizard Institute was established in 2003 and is one of six Institutes within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL. The Institute comprises approximately 350 staff based in four academic Centres and one Public Engagement Centre, and supports a combined total of c750 postgraduate research and taught students. The Institute aims to deliver excellence in all aspects of research, teaching and clinical service.
About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable.
Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.
We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is based at the Whitechapel Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 3 years, with an expected start date of April 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, £36,348 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof John Connelly at j.connelly@qmul.ac.uk.
The closing date for applications is 08 March 2023
Interviews are expected to be held in March 2023.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Space Plasma
Department: School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Salary: £36,348-£42,592 per annum (Grade 4)
Reference: QMUL31761
Location: Mile End
Date posted: 8 February 2023
Closing date: 10 March 2023
About the Role
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Space Plasma group at Queen Mary University of London to work on a project exploring the controlling role that turbulence plays in the inner heliosphere using plasma simulations and data analysis. The post is funded by STFC as part of a Consolidated Grant. The project will use plasma simulations to study how turbulence can control the key plasma processes of particle energization, shock dynamics, and turbulence-driven reconnection. The simulations will be motivated and tested against results from Parker Solar Probe (PSP), Solar Orbiter and Magnetospheric Multiscale MMS. The project will build on collaborations within the Space Plasma group with Prof David Burgess, Dr Chris Chen and Dr Heli Hietala, and there will be opportunities for collaborations across the data/simulation boundary. Queen Mary offers extensive career support for all team members.
About You
The successful candidate(s) will have a PhD (or equivalent) in Space/Solar/Astrophysical Plasma Physics (or related subject). They will have the skills/abilities to conduct/disseminate internationally high-quality innovative research. They will be highly motivated, demonstrate initiative, collaborate successfully towards team goals, and show commitment to research / academic life / ethical working.
About the Astronomy Unit
The Astronomy Unit is one of the world-class research centres in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, part of the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences. The School has 53 academic staff, 45 research staff, 85 PhD students, and runs successful teaching programmes with ~400 students The Space & Astrophysical Plasmas group has a long history of high-quality research taking major roles in large international space projects, from Cluster to PSP.
We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.
The post is based at the Mile End Campus in London. It is full time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for 3 years, with an expected start date of April 2023. The starting salary will be Grade 4, in the range of £36,348 - £42,592 per annum pro-rata, inclusive of London Allowance.
Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof David Burgess at D.Burgess@qmul.ac.uk.
To apply for the role, please click the ‘apply’ button above. In addition to the form, in which contact details for three referees should be given, a research statement detailing previous achievements and future plans (2 pages maximum), plus a separate CV, should be attached in the ‘CV Upload’ section.
The closing date for applications is 10th March 2023. Interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter. Late enquiries may be accepted until the position is filled.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality
Feedback will be Appreciated