Critical steps
Applicants MUST receive endorsement from the proposed department prior to submitting an application - see "2. Contact the proposed nominating department" below.
Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents of Canada and international students are eligible to be considered for a Vanier CGS at the institution where they wish to pursue their doctoral studies. Interested applicants must review the eligibility criteria and selection criteria on the official Vanier CGS website before beginning their application.
Note: Applicants of the Vanier competition are NOT automatically considered for agency-specific doctoral award competitions. Eligible applicants MUST apply for the Vanier and for agency-specific funding opportunities separately. Applicants may apply to the same or a different federal granting agency in the same academic year, provided that the research proposed in each application falls within the mandate of the agency to which the application is submitted.
2. Contact the proposed nominating department
Prospective Vanier applicants** must email the Graduate Officer/Associate Chair of the department where they intend to hold the Vanier (if successful) by July 30 and provide them with the following:
Departments will review the information provided and determine whether the student will be a competitive applicant. The department Graduate Co-ordinator must email the Associate Director, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards (copying the applicant) by August 11 confirming the departmental support of the applicant; if the student does not receive departmental endorsement then they are not permitted to apply for the Vanier through UW. The department is responsible for notifying applicants who they have decided not to endorse.
**In situations where the department has identified a prospective competitive applicant, the department co-ordinator must still email the Associate Director, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards (and copy the applicant) by August 11 confirming their support.
Reminder: the Vanier CGS can only be held at the institution that is providing the endorsement; students can only be nominated by one university.
Applicants who are currently registered at Waterloo may must complete the Vanier applicant transcript request form (web form) by 9:00 a.m. EDT on September 15, 2021.
Applicants not currently registered at Waterloo but intend to be for their doctoral program, and who have not yet applied for admission are responsible for having official secure electronic transcripts emailed to the Associate Director, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards no later than September 15, 2021. Transcripts will be accepted from the issuing institution and from services such as Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, e-Script-Safe, or TranscriptsNetwork.
Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) will ensure transcripts are uploaded to endorsed student applications in ResearchNet prior to final submission to the agency.
4. Read the application and nomination instructions
The official Vanier website has detailed instructions regarding the competition process including how to create a Canadian Common CV (CCV), starting the application in ResearchNet, how to confirm the proposed research falls under the correct tri-agency, the number of referees required, presentation standards of the free form documents, etc. Applicants must ensure they read and follow the application/nomination instructions outlined on the Vanier website.
5. Select and contact referees
If departmental support has been received, the applicant must contact potential referees as soon as possible thereafter and set a deadline by which referees must upload their assessment within ResearchNet. The default deadline is two days prior to the institutional deadline of September 15.
Leadership references
Two leadership reference letters are required and should be written by referees who can speak about the candidate in a non-academic capacity and who are able to highlight the demonstrated leadership abilities and potential of the applicant. Further details about the leadership reference letters can be found in the application/nomination instructions. Per the instructions, it is not recommended to have the same person who is writing the academic reference letters write the leadership letters.
Academic references
In addition to the leadership references, two academic references are also required. As per the application/nomination instructions (refer to Task 8 in the instructions), applicants must provide these referees with the selection criteria guidelines found on the Vanier website.
Tips for selecting referees
Ranking and results
Once department-supported applicants submit their official application through ResearchNet, GSPA will make the applications available for the graduate departments to review and rank.
Based on the University quota, the institutional selection committee* will adjudicate and select nominees to go forward to the national Vanier CGS competition.
*At Waterloo, the institutional selection committee is comprised of the Associate-Vice, President, GSPA (chair), both of the Assistant Vice-Presidents, GSPA, and the six Faculty Associate Deans, Graduate Studies (ARTS, ENG, ENV, HEALTH, MATH, SCI), or designates as appropriate.
Visit Waterloo's Vanier CGS timeline for further details on the Vanier competition at Waterloo.
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