1. Post-doctoral Fellow
Post-doctoral Fellow in the School of Biological Sciences (Ref.: 520497), to commence as soon as possible. The appointment is for one year with the expectation of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability.
The Marine Futures Laboratory at The Swire Institute of Marine Science (SWIMS), University of Hong Kong (HKU), is seeking applications for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow interested in studying intergenerational processes shaping physiological adaptations of tropical species to marine heatwaves. The research will involve fieldwork across Hong Kong in addition to manipulative laboratory experiments at SWIMS. The research project aims to gain better understanding of phenotypic and molecular mechanisms of adaptation to thermal stress associated with marine heatwaves and whether heat hardening in parents can benefit offspring. The project will use sea urchins as model species, and there is potential to expand the project to look at functional genomics in populations across Asia-Pacific. The project is a collaboration between Dr Bayden Russell (https://www.marinefutures.org/) and Dr Juan Diego Gaitan-Espitia (https://www.ibeerlab.com/). The position will be based at SWIMS (https://www.swims.hku.hk/) and the main campus at HKU and travel between locations as well as field work within Hong Kong will be necessary.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Biology or related fields, or have submitted their PhD with the expectation that it will be conferred before commencement in the role. Proficiency in English, strong and collaborative communication skills is a must. They should have high motivation and strong interest in experimental marine biology; a background in eco-physiology, population genetics, functional genomics, quantitative genetics, molecular ecology, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, or related disciplines is essential. Candidates with experience using molecular techniques including qPCR, RNAseq, Oxford Nanopore, and bioinformatic tools and pipelines for analyzing OMIC data, are highly encouraged to apply. A track record of publishing in top international journals is highly desirable.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
The University only accepts online application for the above posts. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V., a motivation letter describing research interests, skills, and career goals, and contact details for 2-3 references. Review of applications will start from June 01, 2023 and continue until August 31, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
For further information, please contact Dr Bayden Russell (brussell@hku.hk)
2. Post-doctoral Fellow
Post-doctoral Fellow in the School of Biological Sciences (Ref.: 520498), to commence as soon as possible. The appointment is for one year with the expectation of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability.
The Marine Futures Laboratory at The Swire Institute of Marine Science (SWIMS), University of Hong Kong (HKU), is seeking applications for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow interested in studying the fundamental and applied aspects of marine microbiology, organism microbiomes, and how the host-microbiome holobiont alters organism responses to global change. In this project, we aim to identify next-generation probiotic marine bacteria and evaluate their effects on marine mussels, a bivalve which plays both ecologically important roles and is cultured in aquaculture. We are initially targeting the marine bacterial genus Ruegeria and its relationship with mussels. The role of the appointee will be to run manipulative experiments to demonstrate whether Ruegeria can provide benefits to mussels under different environmental conditions, as well as identify the effect on the broader microbiome.
The project is a collaboration between Dr Bayden Russell at HKU (https://www.marinefutures.org/), Dr Haiwei Luo at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) (http://www.luolab.net/) and Dr Laura Falkenberg (https://www.marineecosystems.org/) who is establishing a new lab at the University of South Australia (Adelaide, Australia). The position will require fieldwork across Hong Kong, be primarily based at SWIMS (https://www.swims.hku.hk/) and the main campus at HKU, with some work done at the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory of CUHK (www.msl.sls.cuhk.edu.hk). Therefore, travel between research facilities as well as field work within Hong Kong will be necessary. There may also be the opportunity to undertake collaborative work at UniSA with Laura Falkenberg.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Biology or related fields, or have submitted their Ph.D. with the expectation that it will be conferred before commencement in the role. Proficiency in English, along with strong and collaborative communication skills is a must. The applicant should have high motivation and strong interest in experimental marine biology; a background in host-microbe associations, population genetics, functional genomics, quantitative genetics, molecular ecology, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, or related disciplines is essential. Applicants with experience using molecular techniques including qPCR, RNAseq, Oxford Nanopore, and bioinformatic tools and pipelines for analyzing OMIC data, are highly encouraged to apply. A track record of publishing in top international journals is highly desirable.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
The University only accepts online application for the above posts. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V., a motivation letter describing research interests, skills, and career goals, and contact details for 2-3 references. Review of applications will start from June 01, 2023 and continue until August 31, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
For further information, please contact Dr Bayden Russell (brussell@hku.hk)
3. Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry (to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance)
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or equivalent, and fluency in written and spoken English. They should have a strong background in enantioselective synthesis and related research. A strong sense of responsibility, good organizational skills, self-motivated and ability to work independently are required.
The appointee will work on the development of new asymmetric catalysis under the supervision of Dr. Zhongxing Huang. Enquiries about the duties of the post should be sent to Dr. Zhongxing Huang at huangzx@hku.hk.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income.
The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V. Review of applications will commence as soon as possible and continue until Dec 31st, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier. Online application can be obtained at http://jobs.hku.hk/.
4. Post-doctoral Fellow
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science (Ref.: 520129), to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of yearly renewal for a total of up to three years.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in mathematics, statistics, computer science or actuarial science with publications in top journals. The appointee will conduct research in Dr. Marius Hofert, Associate Professor’s group. Information about Dr. Hofert and the Department can be obtained at https://saasresearch.hku.hk/~mhofert/ and https://saasweb.hku.hk/ respectively.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income.
Applicants should send a cover letter (including information on availability), a C.V., a list of publications and a research statement in this order as a single PDF to Dr. Marius Hofert at mhofert@hku.hk. They should also arrange two reference letters to be sent to Dr. Hofert (e-mail: mhofert@hku.hk) directly by the referees. Review of applications will commence as soon as possible and continue until September 30, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
5. Post-doctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows in the School of Biological Sciences (Ref.: 519951) (to commence as soon as possible for three years)
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in The Biodiversity and Environmental Change Lab (www.louiseashton.net) at the University of Hong Kong
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in insect ecology (or related) with experience in tropical field work. Knowledge of beetle identification is desirable but not essential. They should also have knowledge of a range of insect sampling techniques, the ability to organise remote field projects independently and collection management. Those who are going to complete the Ph.D. degree are also welcome.
Our collaborative team includes Dr Louise Ashton, Dr Michael Boyle, Professor Timothy Bonebrake, Dr Jin Wu, Dr Eduardo Maeda, Professor Roger Kitching and Professor Nigel Stork. The appointee will join our project re-sampling previous insect biodiversity studies in Australia and Malaysia. We aim to understand insect dynamics through time in tropical forest habitats.
A competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V. together with a cover letter, a statement of their research interests and how they meet the selection criteria, and contact details of three referees. Review of applications will start as soon as possible and continue until June 30, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
6. Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Physics
Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Physics (Ref.: 519905)
We now invite applications for the captioned post(s) available in Prof. Shizhong Zhang’s group.
Duties and Responsibilities
- work on a project related to p-wave Fermi and Bose gases, transport properties of quantum gases in low dimensions and dipolar quantum gas
- a Ph.D. degree in Physics
- the ability to work independently and in a team
- self-motivated and responsible
What We Offer
The appointment will commence as soon as possible on a temporary basis for 2 years, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability. A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. Other benefits include annual leave, medical benefits and free access to on-campus gyms and libraries.
How to Apply
The University only accepts online application for the above post(s). Applicants should apply online at the University’s Careers site (https://jobs.hku.hk) and upload an up-to-date C.V. They should also arrange 3 referees to send reference letters to Professor Shizhong Zhang by e-mail (shizhong@hku.hk) directly. Review of applications will start as soon as possible and continue until December 31, 2023, or until the post(s) is/are filled, whichever is earlier.
7. Post-doctoral Fellow in Computational and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics in the Department of Physics
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow(s) in Computational and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics in the Department of Physics (Ref.: 518693), to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Condensed Matter Physics. Experience in numerical techniques and analytical field-theoretical approaches is desirable. Applicants who are in the process of completing a Ph.D. degree will also be considered.
The appointee will work with Dr. Zi Yang Meng to conduct research on computational and theoretical condensed matter physics. Areas of research include diagrammatic calculations, quantum Monte Carlo methods, density matrix renormalization group and tensor network states, and artificial intelligence and neural networks, with particular focus on applying these numerical approaches to quantum many-body systems, such as correlated 2D materials, quantum Moire systems, frustrated magnets, topological order, quantum phase transitions beyond Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigms, etc. The recent works of Dr. Meng and the group can be found at https://quantummc.xyz/.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income.
The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V., a cover letter with a publication list and a research statement. Applicants should also arrange three reference letters to be sent directly by the referees to Dr. Zi Yang Meng at zymeng@hku.hk. Review of applications will start as soon as possible and continue until June 30, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
8. Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry (Ref.: 519564), to commence as soon as possible for one year, renewable subject to satisfactory performance. A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
The appointee will work on a Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) consortium project that aims at increasing the activity and selectivity of energy catalysis and resourcification processes, including but not limited to those involving H2, O2, H2O, CO2 and N2. The appointee is expected to gain new insights into how small molecules are activated under benign conditions and understand the mechanistic details of the conversion processes using a range of experimental, spectroscopic, and computational methods.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, Physics or Computational Materials Science, as well as a strong background and experience in molecular synthesis, nanomaterial characterizations, performance assessment, and pathway analysis. The appointee is expected to prepare a variety of novel low-dimensional non-precious metal catalysts as well as characterize them using NMR, IR, Raman, ESI-MS, ICP-MS, SEM, TEM, EDS, XPS, and BET. Knowledge of (a) Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), (b) Polarization Modulation-Infrared Reflection-Adsorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), (c) Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform IR (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, and (d) microfabrication is a plus, but not required. Applicants should have proficiency in written and spoken English, a strong sense of responsibility, good organizational skills, and ability to work independently. The appointee will work in an interdisciplinary environment co-supervised by Prof. Zheng Xiao Guo and Dr. Edmund C. M. Tse.
The University only accepts online applications for the above post. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V., a cover letter with research experience, and their publication record. They should also send 2 reference letters to Prof. Zheng Xiao Guo and Dr. Edmund C. M. Tse by e-mail: (zxguo@hku.hk and ecmtse@hku.hk). Review of applications will commence as soon as possible and continue until 31 Dec 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
9. Post-doctoral Fellow
Applications are invited for appointment as Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry (Ref.: 519081), to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, Physics, or Computational Materials Science, as well as a strong background and experience in molecular synthesis, nanomaterial characterizations, performance assessment, and pathway analysis. They should have proficiency in written and spoken English, a strong sense of responsibility, good organizational skills, and the ability to work independently. Knowledge of (a) Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), (b) Polarization Modulation-Infrared Reflection-Adsorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), (c) Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform IR (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, and (d) microfabrication is a plus, but not required.
The appointee will work on a Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) consortium project that aims at increasing the activity and selectivity of energy catalysis and resourcification processes, including but not limited to those involving H2, O2, H2O, CO2, and N2. They are expected to gain new insights into how small molecules are activated under benign conditions and understand the mechanistic details of the conversion processes using a range of experimental, spectroscopic, and computational methods. They will also need to prepare a variety of novel low-dimensional non-precious metal catalysts as well as characterize them using NMR, IR, Raman, ESI-MS, ICP-MS, SEM, TEM, EDS, XPS, and BET. The appointee will work in an interdisciplinary environment co-supervised by Prof. Zheng Xiao Guo and Dr. Edmund C. M. Tse.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V., a cover letter with research experience and publication records. They should also send two reference letters to Professor Z.X. Guo (zxguo@hku.hk) and Dr. Edmund C. M. Tse (ecmtse@hku.hk) by e-mail. Review of applications will commence as soon as possible and continue until December 31, 2023, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
10. One/Two Post-doctoral Fellows in the Department of Physics
One/Two Post-doctoral Fellows in the Department of Physics (Ref.: 519563)
We now invite applications for the captioned posts available in Prof. Z. D. Wang’s group
Duties and Responsibilities
- work on the research projects related to quantum physics including topological physics and quantum simulations under supervision of Prof. Z. D. Wang
- coordinate analytical and/or numerical calculations
- assist in the preparation of research reports and manuscripts
- perform other duties as assigned
- a Ph.D. degree in physics or a related discipline
- good command of written and spoken English
- good interpersonal, communication, organizational and problem-solving skills
- the ability to work on a tight schedule to meet project deadlines
- the ability to work independently and in a team
- self-motivated and responsible
What We Offer
The appointment will commence as soon as possible on a temporary basis for 1-2 year(s), with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability. A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. Other benefits include annual leave, medical benefits and free access to on-campus gyms and libraries.
How to Apply
The University only accepts online application for the above post(s). Applicants should apply online at the University’s Careers site (https://jobs.hku.hk) and upload an up-to-date C.V. They should also arrange 2 referees to send reference letters to Professor Z. D. Wang by e-mail (zwang@hku.hk) directly. Review of applications will start as soon as possible and continue until August 31, 2023, or until the post(s) is/are filled, whichever is earlier.
11. Three Post-doctoral Fellows in the Department of Physics
Three Post-doctoral Fellows in the Physics Department/Faculty of Science (Ref.: 519473)
We now invite applications for the captioned posts.
Duties and Responsibilities
- work on the projects of photonics, topological physics, and nanophysics
- design/refine the research instruments
- coordinate data collection and analysis
- support the organization of dissemination events
- assist in the preparation of reports and manuscripts
- perform other duties as assigned
- a Ph.D. degree in Physics or a related discipline
- Strong background in one or more of the following areas: 2D materials, topological physics (theory), nanofabrication, ultrafast optics
- an excellent command of written and spoken English
- good interpersonal, communication, organizational and problem-solving skills
- the ability to work on a tight schedule to meet project deadlines
- the ability to work independently and in a team
- self-motivated and responsible
What We Offer
The appointment will commence as soon as possible on a temporary basis for 2 years, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability. A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered. Other benefits include annual leave, medical benefits and free access to on-campus gyms and libraries.
How to Apply
The University only accepts online application for the above post(s). Applicants should apply online at the University’s Careers site (https://jobs.hku.hk) and upload an up-to-date C.V. Review of applications will start as soon as possible and continue until 15 August, 2023, or until the posts are filled, whichever is earlier.
Feedback will be Appreciated