Please refer to reference number PDFO-56743 when applying for this position.
Application procedure: Please email a single PDF to powertheplanet@berlinguettegroup.com with the following:
Cover letter that describes your interest in the role, professional aspirations, and availability with respect to start date (January 2023 is preferred, but later dates will be considered);
Three papers that represent your best work;
Names and email addresses for individuals willing to serve as references.
Overview: The Berlinguette Group at the University of British Columbia is an interdisciplinary team of >40 scientists and engineers who design and build electrochemical reactors to power the planet. We are seeking highly motivated, self-driven individuals to join a sub-group that studies nuclear fusion at low energy in solid-state materials. We specialize in the development of benchtop plasma fusion systems and materials that allow for expansive studies in underexplored energy regimes for nuclear fusion. This research thrust builds upon foundational work summarized in a 2019 Nature Perspective article entitled “Revisiting the Cold Case of Cold Fusion” (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1256-6#Ack1). Our mission is to create a low-cost energy source that can scale within the span of a human lifetime.
Position summary: This position leads the development of electrochemical methods for generating and characterizing metal hydride materials for use in an experimental nuclear fusion reactor. This will require a significant contribution to the coordination of experimental and analytical investigations by designing, constructing, installing, and maintaining scientific analytical instrumentation of a complex and technical nature. The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with a team of scientists, engineers, and software developers at UBC to generate solutions that meet all respective design criteria for various components of the project and will contribute to project planning, high level communications with stakeholders, and technical mentorship of other team members.
Integrate electrochemical measurements in to a benchtop plasma reactor e.g.:
Provide on-site leadership and expertise in electrochemistry;
Prepare and characterize experimental samples;
Operate and maintain laboratory equipment;
Analyze, interpret, and summarize chemical and electrochemical data;
Create models for electrochemical water splitting and implantation of hydrogen into palladium electrodes;
Troubleshoot instrument and equipment failures;
Develop SOPs for common laboratory procedures;
Manage the manufacturing/procurement of custom components and assemblies needed for the instrumentation by collaborating with campus technical services, outside machine shops, and other vendors;
Contribute to assembling, commissioning, and testing of equipment in collaboration with the project team at UBC;
Generate design concepts and review the requirements of design concepts with the project team to downselect the most promising concepts;
Maintain detailed records of all relevant experimental details;
Contribute to project documentation with professional reports containing design details, drawings, and supporting information;
Duration: 1 year with possibility for extension.

Minimum Qualifications
PhD in chemistry; and a minimum of 2 years of related experience in electrochemistry, or the equivalent combination of education and experience.
Experience with wet chemistry;
Strong grasp of surface electrochemistry;
Exceptional communication and collaboration skills; and
Demonstrable ability to work toward milestones and manage deadlines.
Preferred Qualifications
Experience with at least one programming language (e.g. python, MATLAB, C++ etc.);
Familiarity with palladium membrane reactors;
Familiarity analyzing data from analytical instruments or other types of sensors; and
Familiarity with electrochemical modeling is a plus.
Location: Our laboratories are located at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. The proximity of the campus to downtown Vancouver, the pacific ocean, world renowned ski resorts, and Canada’s premier wine region lends itself to numerous outdoor and social activities to balance the rigors of academic research.
Please send applications to PowerThePlanet@berlinguettegroup.com and refer to reference number PDFO-56743.
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
Please refer to reference number PDFO-56738 when applying for this position.
About the position
A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Microtechnologies for Quantitative Biomedicine at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. The group is focused on developing enabling micro- and nanotechnologies for healthcare and life-sciences with a strong view on translation of these technologies to the industry and clinics.
The candidate will have the primary responsibility of design, fabrication, characterization, testing and assembly of microdevices to integrate into platforms for high-resolution profiling of biological samples. This work will be carried out in the common access Advanced Nanofabrication Facility, the Life Sciences Institute, and the Vancouver Prostate Center. Additionally, the candidate will have the unique opportunity to participate in setting-up a Bio-Nano-Micro Hub at the School of Biomedical Engineering.
The candidate will be embedded in the School of Biomedical Engineering at UBC, which is UBCs first inter-faculty department with research converging from both the faculties of medicine and applied sciences. The candidate will thus have access to a network of researchers at affiliated hospitals and industrial partners across BC, with training and opportunities across this ecosystem.
This position is available immediately. The successful candidate will enjoy a competitive salary and work within a collaborative and creative group.
Qualifications | Requirements:
• Proven experience in micro/nano fabrication applied to healthcare/life sciences.
• A PhD in engineering with experience working in a clean-room environment and in device characterization (surface, electrical and fluidic).
• Have experience in rapid prototyping and CAD (3D printing and micromachining).
• Be self-driven, highly motivated and able to multitask efficiently.
• + Systems design, controller programming (Matlab/LabView/Python), GUI design and troubleshooting skills will additionally be beneficial.
• + Some experience in microfluidics, small volume fluid handling/manipulation will be advantageous.
How to Apply?
Candidates are welcome to send a cover letter, a CV (publications and skills), and contact information for at least two references to:
Dr. Govind Kaigala,
Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC, Canada
Senior Scientist, Vancouver Prostate Center
E-mail: govind.kaigala@ubc.ca
Please send applications to govind.kaigala@ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-56738.
Desired start date: 02 Jan 2023
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
15 January 2023 - 12:00pm
Please refer to reference number PDFO-56729 when applying for this position.
The University of British Columbia’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and TRIUMF are seeking applications from recent particle physics graduates interested in a Postdoctoral position with the Rare Decay Group at TRIUMF. TRIUMF is Canada's particle accelerator centre, and one of the world's leading laboratories for particle and nuclear physics and accelerator-based science. TRIUMF is an international centre for discovery and innovation, advancing fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary research for science, medicine, and business.
The Rare decay group consists of ten scientists including four faculty members participating in the PIONEER, PIENU and NA62 experiments with R&D, detector construction, analysis tool development, simulations, and physics analysis.
As the successful applicant, you will have an opportunity to participate in research related to studies of rare pion decays with the PIONEER experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). PIONEER (https://www.psi.ch/en/pioneer) is a next generation pion decay experiment focusing on precision tests of flavor physics. PIONEER is building on the previous PIENU (at TRIUMF) and PEN (at PSI) experiments. PIENU results currently provide the best test of lepton universality and are sensitive to a plethora of large mass and low mass new physics. PIONEER will improve the sensitivity to new physics by one order of magnitude and will address the unitarity of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix through studies of pion beta decay. The PIONEER collaboration is an international team from 25 institutes from Canada, China, Europe, Japan and US.
As a member of the TRIUMF/UBC team, you will focus on and contribute in a significant manner to the development of the PIONEER experiment through:
• Simulations, detector R&D, and data analysis
• Data collection and shift-taking at PSI
• Preparing reports and disseminating results as articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and at national and international conferences and workshops
• Supervising undergraduate and/or graduate students
As the successful applicant, you will have expertise in one or more areas of data analysis and simulation techniques, software, and radiation detectors used in particles physics. Ideally this will include:
• Experience in instrument and/or electronics development particularly noble gas detectors and calorimetry, but also silicon and other detectors
• Experience in data analysis and simulation
• Software proficiency e.g. with C++, ROOT, and Monte Carlo simulations using GEANT4, and expertise or interest in machine learning techniques
• Good interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to work as an effective team member
• Ability and flexibility to travel as required
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in particle physics that was awarded in the last 5 years or that will be awarded in the near future.
TRIUMF is located on the south campus of the University of British Columbia, in the heart of Pacific Spirit Park in Vancouver, BC. We offer a competitive total compensation package, including comprehensive benefits, attractive salary, and an excellent opportunity to enhance your career portfolio in a high profile national research facility.
TRIUMF is an equal opportunity employer, and we welcome applications from all qualified candidates. This grant funded position is jointly offered by UBC’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and TRIUMF, located on the UBC campus.
Postdoctoral applications must:
Upload cover letter, brief statement of research interests, detailed CV with a list of publications
Arrange for 3 letters of reference sent directly to recruiting@triumf.ca and include JR number (JR100269) in subject line
Application closing date: January 15, 2023
As a requirement of this position, the successful candidate will need to provide acceptable proof that they have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, or demonstrate that they are unable to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for reasons protected under the BC Human Rights Code. TRIUMF will grant reasonable accommodation requests up to the point of undue hardship.
It is important to note that due to operation necessity, we will as needed, make hiring decisions that could pre-empt the application closing date. Accordingly, we suggest candidates submit expressions of interest in a timely fashion.
Contact information:
Email: recruiting@triumf.ca
Phone: 604.222.1047
Fax: 604.222.3791
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 2A3
Please refer to reference number PDFO-56704 when applying for this position.
The Fellow will be expected to design and implement studies under the supervision of the Principal Investigator, while also contributing to existing studies. Focus will be on quantitative research projects, including: (1) an administrative-linked cohort study evaluating slow-release oral morphine as opioid agonist therapy; and (2) a cohort study evaluating injectable opioid agonist therapies in Vancouver. This post will suit recent PhD graduates with strong research skills who are seeking to advance an academic career in public health and health services research. The Fellow will be responsible for preparing grant and fellowship applications, and analysing and writing up existing data, working under the direction of the Principal Investigator. The Fellow will play a role as needed in coordinating program activities, maintaining research records, and contributing to the management and analysis of data.
ORGANIZATION: The BCCSU is a Vancouver-based provincial resource for evidence-based information and treatment guidance in the field of substance use. In addition to building on the BCCSU’s seminal work by cultivating a robust body of evidence in this area, the BCCSU is committed to translating leading edge research into improved substance use care across BC. To this end, the BCCSU develops evidence-based training curricula, program standards, and practice guidelines while networking regional health authorities, researchers, educators, and care providers and other allied care professionals across the province to ensure that research and innovation efficiently reach the communities they are intended to serve.
Preparing fellowship and grant applications;
Analysing and interpreting survey and administrative data;
Contributing to and leading the development of academic outputs, including peer-reviewed journal manuscripts and conference and community presentations;
Supporting the preparation of research reports and other KT activities;
Participating in other research and/or teaching activities that the PI and Post-Doctoral Fellow identify together and contributing to broader research endeavours of the BCCSU;
Assisting the Principal Investigator and Research Coordinator with various administrative tasks associated with the day-to-day operations of research studies (e.g., grant reporting);
Liaising with, and coordinating and leading professional meetings among, community organizations, researchers, and other stakeholders;
Supporting, developing, and evaluating strategies that encourage community, researcher, and other stakeholder participation in research activities;
Developing a network of colleagues, including nationally (in Canada) and internationally;
Assisting with teaching and mentoring of students and graduate trainees, where opportunities arise;
Keeping current with developments in youth health and in the area of substance use research;
Conforming with ethical standards in research; and
Performing other duties as required.
Minimum of a PhD degree in Public Health or Epidemiology completed within the last 5 years, or near completion with a confirmed defence date;
Clear understanding of the academic research process acquired through practical and/or academic experience;
Experience in organizing, coordinating, and managing research projects and/or grant-based research programs;
Excellent research skills, with an ability to analyse results;
Strong understanding of quantitative research methods, and experience working with administrative linked data;
Experience in preparing peer-reviewed publications, reports, and communication materials;
Strong knowledge and/or experience in substance use, public health, health services, or related research fields;
Excellent organization, implementation, and networking skills;
Excellent communication skills;
An understanding of and sensitivity to diversity issues;
Applicants should submit enquires/applications at this website and refer to reference number PDFO-56704.
Desired start date: 04 Jan 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
Please refer to reference number PDFO-56684 when applying for this position.
Biodiversity 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in the UBC Biodiversity Research Centre (2023-2025)
The UBC Biodiversity Research Centre includes over 80 faculty members with interests in ecology, evolution, systematics, biodiversity and conservation. We invite applications for postdoctoral fellows with a research focus on any area related to biodiversity. Preference will be given to candidates interested in working in a dynamic and diverse research community, and who bring bold ideas, demonstrated research ability, and strong communication skills. The successful candidate will conduct original research on core problems in biodiversity, foster interactions within the Centre, run a seminar series, and organize an annual retreat for local universities (https://ecoevoretreat.wordpress.com/).
Postdoctoral fellows funded by the Biodiversity Research Centre typically interact with several lab groups. Candidates should indicate which labs they want to work with, and are strongly encouraged to contact potential collaborating labs in the Centre to inquire about current and potential research activities.
Starting date: 1 September 2023
Salary: $60,000 per year plus benefits (including extended health and dental coverage)
Research funds: $7,000 per year
Necessary qualifications: Candidates must have obtained, or expect to complete, their doctoral degree no later than September 2023. Individuals also must be within 5 years following the completion of their Ph.D. to be eligible (with allowances for career interruptions due to personal circumstances).
Selection criteria: The search committee will base their assessment on the quality of research accomplishments to date, the novelty and/ or potential impact of the proposed research, and the potential for the candidate to play a leadership role in our community, including maintaining high standards for ethical professional conduct.
To apply, please provide a single pdf that includes:
1. A brief cover letter (no more than 1.5 pages). In your cover letter, please be sure to include a description of how you have contributed to enhancing equity and inclusion in your current institution or in the broader STEM community, and/ or how you plan to support these values within UBC’s biodiversity community.
2. Your curriculum vitae
3. A 1-2 page research statement. The research statement is free form but should include:
A description of your general interests
A description of specific projects that you plan to engage in over the postdoc period, including how the work can be facilitated (e.g., funding and infrastructure needs met)
4. The names and contact information for three referees.
Uploading instructions: UPLOAD YOUR MATERIALS AS A SINGLE PDF FILE WHEN ASKED TO SUBMIT YOUR CV. Submit your application online at the UBC Careers webpage posting number: JR10307
Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until 11:59pm PST on January 9th, 2023 (but note that in UBC’s system, the posting end date will show as January 10th; this is the date the posting gets removed, and we recognize that this is confusing). All materials must be received by January 9, 2023 at 11:59pm PST to ensure full consideration.
Posting End Date: January 10, 2023.
Please send applications to biodiversity.centre@ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-56684.
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
Please refer to reference number PDFO-56674 when applying for this position.
The Canadian group in the DarkLight collaboration has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher to join us in a search for new bosons in the mass range from 10 to 20 MeV using the TRIUMF/ARIEL e-linac. The successful applicant will join a small international collaboration and be based at TRIUMF in Vancouver, BC. The brief and intense schedule for the DarkLight experiment means that this position provides a unique opportunity for a young postdoctoral researcher to participate in a particle physics experiment from the design stages right through data taking to a final result during their time at TRIUMF.
Primary Responsibilities:
Simulation software
Testing and development of trigger detectors
Assisting with supervision of junior HQP
Commissioning and running of experiment
Documentation and communication of results
Qualifications and Experience:
The successful candidate should be interested in all areas of experimental work and have relevant particle physics experience. Ideally this would include: experience in detector development, expertise in simulation and data analysis with fluency in C++, ROOT, and python, the ability to work well in a group, good communication skills, and an interest in supervising and mentoring students. Additional experience with GEANT4 or data acquisition systems would be a special asset.
Applicants must hold a PhD (received within 5 years) in Particle or Nuclear Physics by the starting date of the position.
Potential applications must:
Upload a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, and a detailed CV with a list of publications to Workday at
In addition applicants must arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent directly to recruiting@triumf.ca and include JR number (JR100481) in the subject line.
Applicants should submit enquires/applications at this website and refer to reference number PDFO-56674.
Desired start date: 03 Jan 2023
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
For detail visit
Feedback will be Appreciated