Please refer to reference number PDFO-55913 when applying for this position.
Position Summary:
One full-time postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. Joanne Matsubara, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine UBC. Expected start date is negotiable, although a start-date as early as possible is considered favorable.
The research project addresses the overarching challenge of understanding and characterizing molecular and cellular events associated with the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a complex, multifactorial disease in which chronic, low-grade inflammation is thought to play a critical role in disease pathogenesis. While treatments exist for the exudative (wet) form of AMD, there are no treatments for the non-exudative (dry) form but many clinical trials are in progress. Animal models, cell culture methods and human tissue samples will be used in the research studies. For more information about the Matsubara Lab, and our other current areas of eye research, please see: http://matsubaralab.med.ubc.ca

Candidates must hold a PhD or equivalent degree by the time of their appointment. Preference will be given to candidates that recently (<24 months) obtained their PhD degree.
Candidates should have a strong research background, as demonstrated by past publications, accomplishments and letters of references
The successful candidate will be a passionate, self-driven, independent thinker, demonstrate sound judgment and scientific creativity.
The successful candidate will demonstrate strong writing skills to ensure high-quality scientific publications and grant applications.
Expertise in vivo retinal imaging, molecular biological methods, protein analysis (western blots, immunohistochemistry, ELISA), image analysis, confocal microscopy are desirable.
Expertise in rodent animal models of retinal degeneration is a major asset.
Email inquiries and application, please contact Professor Joanne Mastsubara – joanne.matsubara@ubc.ca
Please send applications to joanne.matsubara@ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-55913.
Desired start date: 01 Jul 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
16 April 2022 - 12:00pm
Please refer to reference number PDFO-55856 when applying for this position.
Job Summary
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre and Women’s Health Research Institute are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) in the Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCP) led by Dr. Luis Nacul for a 1-year term with a possibility of extension subject to funding. The position will be physically located at BC Women’s Hospital Campus as part of Department of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.
Complex chronic diseases (CCDs), such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) are long in duration and there are no blood or other tests that can confirm diagnosis. In spite of research advances, factors involved in causing these conditions are still not fully understood. However, most cases are triggered by infectious diseases, such as mononucleosis and COVID-19. Each person with a CCD will experience their disease in a unique way, with symptoms that may or may not exactly match the most common descriptions.
The Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCDP) at BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre is a provincial referral centre that aims to provide comprehensive and evidence-based care to adults with complex chronic diseases, including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia and Chronic Lyme Syndrome. The Program engages in clinical care, education/knowledge transfer, quality improvement and research. The goal is to provide compassionate, innovative and integrated, care that promotes healing and improves the quality of life for patients using an interdisciplinary approach. This includes an emphasis on patient preferences in assessment and treatment decisions. Through partnerships with health care organizations, providers and community groups, the CCDP aims to raise the community standard of assessment and care for people living with these diseases.
Project Summary:
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is believed to affect over 38,000 British Columbians and 400,000 Canadians. Currently, there is no accurate data on the health status of patients with ME/CFS from across Canada. Addressing questions on the accuracy of data on the health status of people with ME/CFS on a provincial and national basis can be accomplished by accessing currently available data on well characterized individuals obtained retrospectively and prospectively; such as those by the unique, existing population cohort established through the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath) (n>300,000), and more specifically the BC Generations Project (BCGP).
The BC EP-ME Study: Establishing a Population-based Cohort of People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in British Columbia: Feasibility Study, led by Dr. Luis Nacul, aims to establish a population-based cohort to help propagate much-needed research developments pertaining to ME/CFS in BC. Using data from consenting participants with and without ME from the BCGP, this project will help inform the future creation of the first Canadian data registry of ME/CFS. Factors such as personal health history, physical measurements, and history of viral exposures will be compared between participants with and without ME/CFS to better understand disease risk factors.
This project is part of a Pillar 2 initiative within the three pillar Interdisciplinary Canadian Collaborative Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ICanCME) Research Network, a multi-year Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded Catalyst Grant. Pillar 2 activities include the establishment of a centralized national ME database – the Canadian ME National Cohort (CMENC) and data management through harmonization of existing databases.
Pillar 2 activities will be accomplished through:
Informatics and support for data capture and harmonization of regional cohorts.
Selection and validation of ME/CFS common data elements.
Standardization of ME/CFS case entry criteria.
Establishing Population-based cohorts and Clinical cohorts.
Digital markers and other mappable ME-related clinical measures, including deep phenotyping and provocation studies.
Work Performed:
The fellow will take a leadership role in supporting the BC EP-ME study and related Pillar 2 activities within ICanCME. This role will include opportunities for collaboration on research projects and interdisciplinary professional development activities across the network and research group strategic initiatives and their respective core projects. This will include collaboration on the already established Complex Chronic Diseases Program Data Registry (CCDPR) and the Pillar 1 virology study, “The contribution of virus infection to ME: A comprehensive virology study using the BC Generations Project (BCGP) and the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) cohort”.
Oversee BC EP-ME project timelines, initiatives, and deliverables.
Support related ICanCME Pillar 1 and 2 activities.
Foster research collaborations across a national network of ME/CFS researchers, clinicians, patient partners, and health care decision makers.
Conduct data management and data analysis using statistical software.
Deliver clear and concise written and oral presentations of the data at internal and external meetings.
Prepare, write and contribute to preparation of manuscripts for publication.
Identify funding opportunities and if required write or assist with grant proposals.
Mentor and supervise junior trainees and students.
Current PhD candidate, or have been awarded a PhD within the last 5 years, in epidemiology, public health or related medicine and health disciplines, or within 10 years of being awarded a M.D. or D.D.S. degree.
Previous research experience using quantitative methods.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Previous experience with scientific and grant writing is an asset.
Experience with data management or statistical analyses.
Preference will be given to candidates with a proven track record in health-related research with a minimum of 2 publications.
The candidate should have a demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team within a highly interdisciplinary environment.
Previous work in ME/CFS or other complex chronic diseases is an asset.
Supervision Received
The fellow will be physically located at BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre and the Women’s Health Research Institute in Vancouver, Canada under the supervision of Dr. Luis Nacul, combination of in-person and virtual work will be expected depending on PHSA policies and research needs. The fellow will report directly to Dr. Luis Nacul and the Research Manager.
How to apply
Please email Carola Muñoz (Research Manager) at carola.munoz@cw.bc.ca with ‘CCDP PDF Application’ in the email subject line. Applications will be reviewed starting March 30, 2022 and will remain open until filled. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Your application should include the following:
Curriculum Vitae
Written personal statement: professional plans, research interests, and training goals.
Three professional references
List of publications
Salary will be commensurate with level of experience and subject to UBC regulations for stipends for postdoctoral fellows.
To learn more about the Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCDP), please visit: http://www.bcwomens.ca/our-services/specialized-services/complex-chronic-diseases-program#What--is--a--CCD?
Please send applications to carola.munoz@cw.bc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-55856.
Desired start date: 01 May 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
30 April 2022 - 12:00pm
Please refer to reference number PDFO-55536 when applying for this position.
The Michael Smith Laboratories at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) to join a dynamic team under the supervision of Dr. Sabrina Leslie. The successful candidate will work on a project that applies new biophysical tools to the development of genetic medicines and vaccines. The position is based in a cutting-edge academic research lab and the project will be driven by real and immediate needs, in collaboration with interdisciplinary scientists in the Nanomedicine Center of Excellence (NMIN).
About the high-throughput single-molecule CLiC imaging technology
The Leslie Lab’s single-molecule technology, Convex Lens-induced Confinement (CLiC), works by squeezing molecules into arrays of nanometer- to micrometer-scale “traps” that are large enough to allow the molecules to move and interact freely, but small enough to keep them confined so they can be imaged over extended periods with a high-powered optical microscope. The result is the world’s first tether-free and high-throughput single-molecule technology for analyzing individual molecular interactions in cell-like conditions. CLiC is capable of detecting, following, and understanding rare molecular events – like the drug/target interactions which can ‘silence’ genes associated with the onset of diseases – and by enabling direct visualization of how the drugs work, help us better engineer them.
About the position
The PDF will join a talented, energetic, interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers working in a newly built laboratory. Our team collaborates with the spin-off company ScopeSys to respond to partnerships with leading drug and vaccine development research groups and companies. The emphasis of this position will be on applications of our single-molecule and single-cell imaging technology to improve and accelerate development of lipid-nanoparticle and RNA-based medicines and vaccines.
This project will require an interdisciplinary skill set, combining physical, chemical and biological expertise. The ideal candidate will possess experience and interest in some of the following areas:
Microscopy of molecules, nanomaterials, cells
Instrumentation, optics, engineering
Micro/nano-fabrication and lithography
Surface science and chemistry
DNA, RNA, lipid nanoparticles, cells
Biophysical assay and protocol development
Electronics, mechanical engineering, machining
The successful candidate will have a PhD and a demonstrated track record in research with first authored peer-review publications. The position will be filled by a well-organized, enthusiastic team player with strong communication skills, who enjoys hands-on lab work and creative trouble-shooting, and who is excited to try new things. Applicants should have a strong interest in building a career in biotechnology and/or nanotechnology research and development, pioneering new biophysical techniques, and commercializing cutting edge science and technology.
Application process
Interested applicants should submit a letter of application that highlights their experience, detailed curriculum vitae including a list of publications, and contact details for 3 references. Application materials should be combined into a single PDF document and sent to contact.leslielab [at] gmail.com. Please include “PDF in single-molecule biophysics and biotechnology” in the e-mail subject line. Incorrectly addressed applications will not be considered. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. We will contact you only if invited for an interview.
Please send applications to leslielab@msl.ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-55536.
Desired start date: 01 May 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
1 June 2022 - 12:00pm
Please refer to reference number PDFO-55477 when applying for this position.
Graduate and Post Doc positions in Drosophila translational genetics at UBC in Vancouver, Canada.
Funded PhD and PDF positions are available starting from Feb 1, 2022 in the Allan laboratory, Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences in the Life Sciences Institute at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. We seek highly motivated applicants with a strong background in Drosophila molecular genetics.
Successful applicants will join a well-funded team working on translational genetics testing human disease genes and variants in a Drosophila model, focusing on autism and Alzheimer’s disease genetics. In these projects, successful applicants will establish assays for large scale screening of human gene variants in collaboration with other research labs, clinicians and bioinformaticians at the local and international level. The overall aim is to support a critical step in precision/personalized medicine, by providing experimental evidence for gene variant function. This is an excellent opportunity to train in the growing field of variant functionalization at the cutting edge of model system modeling of human disease.
Please see the following citations regarding our work in this area.
The Allan Lab and the Life Sciences Institute at UBC provide well-equipped facilities and the opportunity to apply a wide variety of technological approaches. The University of British Columbia is highly ranked in Life Sciences, with a leadership role in personalized medicine.
Successful candidates will have a demonstrated track record of successful research in Drosophila molecular genetics, with a broad range of familiarity with multiple tissues, genes and pathways. For graduate positions, either an MSc or BSc with research experience in Drosophila is required. For PDF positions, a PhD in Drosophila research with a publication record is required. Preference will be given to applicants with additional expertise in gene editing technologies or computational biology.
Please submit a full CV, including technological skills, and contact info for three referees to doug.allan@ubc.ca
Please send applications to doug.allan@ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-55477.
Desired start date: 01 Feb 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
22 April 2022 - 12:00pm
Please refer to reference number PDFO-55236 when applying for this position.
Department of Pediatrics and Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow who will strive to make a meaningful impact on maternal and child health by contributing to leading-edge research aimed at improving pain management.
Pain management is often under-emphasized, yet inadequate pain relief can interfere with a mother’s ability to care for her child, and can disrupt sleep, impact behaviour and cause vomiting in children. In light of the current opioid crisis, there is increased urgency to balance both safety and effectiveness of opioid-based analgesics, while simultaneously limiting the use of opioids. Given the resulting hesitancy associated with prescribing opioids, we are likely undertreating pain in women and children.
Safe and effective pain management is influenced by individual genetic differences that dictate both how we feel pain and how we respond to specific analgesics. Using pharmacogenomics, the study of how genetic variability contributes to individual drug responses, we are identifying genetic factors that can help predict an individual’s need for, and subsequent response to, opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
As part of the multi-disciplinary Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety (CPNDS) based at the University of British Columbia, the candidate will work closely with clinicians, scientists and patients across Canada to develop a pipeline from genetic discoveries to predictive genetic testing to help select the safest and most effective analgesics for women and children based on their unique genetic signatures.
The candidate will lead projects focused on improving pain management through pharmacogenomics, where the candidate will work toward the following goal:
Establish a C. elegans platform to discover and validate genetic factors that contribute to differences in pain perception and response to opioid and non-opioid analgesics
Encompassing discovery of novel genetic components of pain/nociception (e.g., influencing noxious mechanosensation) and response to analgesics (e.g., morphine)
Working to validate roles for novel genetic factors, uncovered through genetic association studies, that contribute to differences in pain perception and response to opioid and non-opioid analgesics
The candidate will conduct research at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute where they will have access to state-of-the-art molecular biology, genotyping, sequencing and analysis platforms housed within CPNDS-developed laboratories for drug safety research and implementation.
The candidate will report directly to Dr. Catrina Loucks, a geneticist experienced in the use of the simple roundworm C. elegans to validate genetic discoveries. The candidate will also benefit from close collaborations with CPNDS-trained clinicians at 32 Canadian centres to support patient recruitment, highly experienced lab managers/technicians, Dr. Bruce Carleton (clinical pharmacologist), Dr. Colin Ross (geneticist) and Dr. Shahrad (Rod) Rassekh (pediatric oncologist), who together have extensive expertise/success in drug safety and effectiveness research spanning genetic discoveries, validation of findings using a variety of model systems and incorporation of predictive genetic testing into clinical care.
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The period of funding is 2 years; however, an extended appointment of at least 3 years is preferred given the complexity of the work involved. An extended appointment is dependent on the ability to successfully secure additional grant/trainee funding, where the CPNDS and CPNDS-trained postdoctoral fellows have been extremely successful in the past.
Applicants with a background in, and enthusiasm for, C. elegans research, molecular biology, pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, medical genetics, genomics/bioinformatics, data science, clinical pharmacology or other related fields are encouraged to apply. If interested, please submit a cover letter detailing research interests, curriculum vitae, writing sample and three references to: Dr. Catrina Loucks, MSc, PhD | Assistant Professor | email: cloucks@popi.ubc.ca with “Postdoc Position – C. elegans” listed in the subject line.
This offer is conditional upon successful completion of a Criminal Record Check.
Please send applications to cloucks@popi.ubc.ca and refer to reference number PDFO-55236.
Desired start date: 01 Jun 2022
Duration: Fixed term / Temporary
Contract Type: Full Time
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